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Nerd School

Nerd School

Dexter is the school for nerds. Our students, called Dexterites, do things like build their own VR games, program password crackers in Scratch, draw scenes from Shakespeare, write creative stories, start their own businesses, and design moon bases in their spare time.

At Dexter, your creations and ideas are what make you cool, not your position on the football team. Our students have found their community of peers and that's a powerful thing.


"After years of searching, my intellectual, mini-war-gaming son had finally found the place where he belonged."
- Jen Bradley, Dexter Mom


Dexter valorizes and celebrates the nerd, the builder, the maker, the artist, the oddball. We do this out of a deep appreciation and understanding that they will be the builders of the future. Being a nerd is cool. Our society needs more scientists, engineers, and artists and we're thrilled to be the school for them.

Does your child not fit in at their school? Do they obsess about things like computer programming or Minecraft? Do they devour books on their own? Dexter might be the community you've been looking for. Schedule a tour today!

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